Hello My Friends,

Seven years ago, I started posting daily photos on this page. Prior to that I had done a performance event and had marketed that to my followers on Eme McAnam. You can see a video of that performance on EmeSpirit.com. I performed for 18 hours over three days sharing wisdom about the transitions of life. For that performance, I sculpted a 10’ by 8’ mountain out of Styrofoam and wove a 8’ by 6’ grapevine nest for my stage as the eagle woman. The song, Fly Away, was one I wrote as my son was leaving for college. You will also see the painting for that performance on my website. By the time I was ready to perform, I had 5,000 followers on my personal page and had to open a professional page. EmeSpirit was born then. It’s exciting when you invite your friends to ‘like’ the page. Our community has grown to nearly 16,000 followers with another 5,000 on Eme McAnam.

                I love to hike and am attracted to beauty. It made sense that I would post pictures from my hiking adventures. You’re invited to purchase limited edition full resolution copies of any photo on my page. My favorites are prints on metal. Prices are available on EmeSpirit.com. In the meantime, I love sharing the beauty of nature with you and enjoy our exchanges under the daily posts.

                Recently I have taken you down another road with me. I’ve added being an author to my adventures. Freefalling, a Novel of Senior Romance has been a work of my heart. If you haven’t gotten a copy yet, please do. It’s much less expensive than my photocopies!  Your favorite bookseller can get it for you, or you can purchase it at Freefallingnovel.com. I’m working on my next book and hope to publish that next February. Life is short and I’m working hard to reach my goals before I don’t have the energy to achieve them.

                As we move into the eighth year, I continue to be happy to share my hikes with you! Invite your friends to share in the joy of nature’s beauty as presented by this artist. And please ask them to buy a book and leave a review. That’s very helpful to me 😊

Blessings to you,

Much Love,


Author of Freefalling, a Novel of Senior Romance

Purchase this novel at your favorite bookseller or Freefallingnovel.com